Every day someone comes into our office, calls, or emails with specific questions regarding legal DNA testing. So we decided to list our TOP 12 REASONS why our clients take, inquire, or think about taking a LEGAL DNA TEST. We promise to be honest and to the point. It may not be what you want to hear, like or agree with, but trust us—we nailed it!
T0P 12 REASONS for Legal DNA testing.
1. Someone believes you cheated or lied. Infidelity is one of the main reasons why people get paternity tests in the first place.
2. Dates of conception just don’t add up.
3. Offspring (child) looks nothing like the father. This one and the previous one both have a lot to do with infidelity.
4. The father’s side of the family such as his parents, relatives, wife or girlfriend demands it! Now this can get ugly.
5. Divorce (testing should be done prior to the divorce being final)

7. Mother admitted up front “Sorry this may not be your child.” That’s a serious whopper our clients deal with a lot.
8. Mother threatens to leave the state or county with your child.
9. To obtain social security for our child. (when the alleged father dies, only for unmarried couples). If the birth certificate or legitimation was not signed or completed this is the only legal way the mother can obtain social security. A grand parentage test is no longer acceptable for social security
10. If the mother dies and she is unmarried. In most states whether or not you signed the birth certificate courts may require you to obtain a legal DNA test prior to obtaining your legal rights.
11. Immigration case, child support case, even the IRS (yes even Uncle Sam wants to know!)
12. Both parties just want to know for peace of mind…sigh. Sometimes we just want to know.
In short, the primary reason for legal DNA testing is for accuracy. In this situation, the samples are collected at an approved collection site where your identification will be verified, a photograph will be taken of all parties involved, and your sample collection will be witnessed in order to avoid any disputes.
Well there you go! THE TOP 12 REASONS our clients BOTH fathers and mothers choose LEGAL DNA TESTING. Short, to the point, and yes we nailed it! Coming soon, the TOP REASONS why clients buy store-bought DNA tests. This is gonna wow you!!